Demon Trappers Wiki
DT Welcome
The Demon Trappers Wiki is a free, public and collaborative project for all, to help create a definitive encyclopedia for the Demon Trappers novels.

We are currently editing 23 articles and 41 files.

Please respect all views and all perspectives. This wiki is meant for a better understanding of the novels, and for a strong, friendly community. Hateful or vulgar posts against someone or something can and will be removed by the Admins. Thank you for reading this notice; please spread the word, and keep it nice. This wiki contains major spoilers from the book series, they are in no way censored.
This wiki contains spoilers from the Demon Trappers novels.

DT Books

Retro Demonology Forsaken UK Edition Forbidden UK Edition Forgiven UK Edition Foretold UK Edition Grave Matters Mind Games Valiant Light

DT Featured Article
Valiant Light Valiant Light is the sixth book in the Demon Trappers series by Jana Oliver. It was released on November 25th, 2017.

Master Demon Trapper Riley Blackthorne's life is about change... again. With her wedding approaching, as well as Denver Beck's investiture as grand master, she's got a lot on her plate. Especially when she learns that not all is as it seems in Hell. Even her decision to allow a higher level demon to remain at large, one who claims to be free of Lucifer's hold, may prove to be a serious mistake.

DT Featured Media

The Demon Trappers Series by Jana Oliver - Book Trailer

DT Characters

DT Riley
Demon Trapper Wing Logo
DT Beck
DT Simon
Demon Trapper Wing Logo
DT Ori
DT Ayden
Demon Trapper Wing Logo
DT Mort
DT Paul
Demon Trapper Wing Logo
DT Stewart

DT Poll

DT The Author
Jana Oliver

Jana Oliver is the author of Demon Trappers
